Support Us

Thank you for considering to support our programs.

You can sponsor a child, donate towards the running of the program, help purchase equipment so the children can practice in a safe environment,  enable them to take a test or participate in a tournament.  Or let others know about our program and sharing our cause. 

If you like our programs and would like to support us but it is not within your budget.  Consider choosing us as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile0.5% from your purchases will go to support our programs.

We will always try to find the best way to maximize your contribution.

Sponsor a Child for a Year
  • Includes 2 Uniforms (ether 1 training and 1 tournament uniform or 1 karate and one judo uniform)
  • Full Set of Sparring Gear
  • 2 Promotion Fees (either 2 karate promotions or 1 karate and 1 judo)
  • 2 Tournaments Fees
  • Other expenses the child might need during the year
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Support Our Programs

Donations will be allocated to the needs of the programs.  We will always try to find the best deal and maximize your contribution

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Karate (Gi) Uniform
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Judo (Gi) Uniform
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Sparring Gear (Full Set)
  • Head Gear
  • Mouthpiece
  • Hand Guards (Gloves)
  • Chest Protector
  • Groin Cup
  • Shin Guards
  • Foot Gear
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Head Gear
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Hand guards (Gloves)
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Shin Guards
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Foot Gear
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Belt (Color based on the student’s rank)

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When a students promote and compete, they wears two patches; 1 of their martial arts style and one of their school

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Tournament Entry
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Promotion Fee
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Kicking Shield

Kicking Shields are used to develop power while kicking and punching while staying safe.

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Judo Mat

Allows student to train effectively, yet safely.

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Hard Makiwara

Hard Makiwara of is used to strengthen the knuckles and bones of the body.

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The House of Goju, Inc. a charitable tax-exempt organization under Section(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.