Hamilton Lao


Martial arts has been a foundation in Hamilton Lao’s Life. In his youth he trained in aikido and was always fascinated with the relationship between the different elements of combat from efficiency, tactics, techniques to spiritual growth, sports psychology, and physical fitness. Hamilton started his real passion with the Martial arts while first training Judo under Sensei Gotay in 2007. With Sensei Gotay he continued his martial training with American Goju Karate and then into Boxing. Hamilton competed in numerous martial arts competitions within the boxing, karate, and judo systems and has also  competed in the NYC golden gloves. He earned his 1st degree black belt in American Goju Karate in 2012 under Sensei Gotay.

Since his humble beginnings with the martial arts, Hamilton has utilized and interwoven the martial philosophies of positivity, determination, grit, willpower, discipline, and perseverance into his daily life. Hamilton earned his Master’s in Criminal Justice with a major in Juvenile Justice in 2011. He worked as a Child Protective Specialist for the Administration for Children’s Services for 5 years before transitioning to the NYC Department of Education. He is certified to teach as a fitness instructor under the SHAPEUPNYC internship held by the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. Hamilton received his Master’s in Education in 2018 and is currently teaching Special Education Math and Science for the NYC Department of Education.

Hamilton does not perceive Martial Arts as an outlet of violence, but a launching ground for people to develop courage, self respect, discipline, and honor- elements that would make anty society more harmonious. He wishes to give this gift up front to the community and make the mark he wants to see in the world- one of courage, self respect, discipline, and honor.

The House of Goju, Inc. a charitable tax-exempt organization under Section(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.