Our Inspiration

Since the 1950’s Shihan Alberto Gotay has been teaching Martial arts to kids in universities. The journey began by taking an introductory class as part of the college curriculum required to obtain a degree. Most students who take the course have always wanted to learn martial arts but could never afford it. At the end of the course, Sensei Gotay would always say, “if this is something you always wanted to do, but couldn’t due to financial or other reasons, we have a club where you can come to train free of charge”.  Sensei Gotay has been teaching this way for over 50 years, training over 100,000 Karateka, Judoka, Students in self Defense and Boxers.  Under Sensei Gotay guidance, he has produced a lot of instructors; who in turn have opened their own schools and continue to promote his vision of paying it forward. Since they trained under him for free for decades they now teach and promote the art as well free of charge. Spreading Sensei Gotay’s vision.  We at THE HOUSE OF GOJU are now continuing to spread his vision and legacy all. 

The House of Goju, Inc. a charitable tax-exempt organization under Section(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.