What is Self Defense

Our Self Defense Program is a combination of Boxing, Karate, Judo and Ike Jitsu.  We start by teaching our students to move in their natural fighting stance, perfecting their jab, right cross, hook and uppercut, and their combinations with weaving, docking and slipping. Then we progress to learning kicks, elbows and knees from karate, circular movements and blocks.  This teaches our students how to defend themselves from a distance.  Next they learn joint techniques from Ike Jitsu (escape from wrist grabs and chokes). They also learn their counters and how to apply joint techniques like wrist locks, shoulder locks, and arm bars.  After that we teach them some judo throws so that they can throw their attacker and get away or subdue them.  Finally, joint techniques on the ground and grappling. Our students learn to be aware of their surroundings, and to spot unexpected danger. They learn to evaluate the situation, and make the best decision. To not lose their concentration and focus when confronted by an attacker. They learn how to think, act, and move to maximize the outcome of any situation while developing muscle memory, taking control of every situation.

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